Can Aviation Go Net-Zero?

And how fast do we need to innovate to get there? Research Tidbit #8

Deepti Kannapan
7 min readApr 29, 2022


Photo by Ross Parmly on Unsplash

From January to March 2022, I set myself a sustainability reading project, where I read about climate change, and blogged about my reading progress.

It’s now April and that reading project is complete. It was such a success that I’ve charged headfirst into the next one.

Here is a continuation of my blog series about what I learned. This post is about the US 2021 Aviation [Climate] Action Plan (AAP).


The FAA produced a climate action plan in November 2021, in response to an executive order by the Biden administration. (All the quotes in this post are from the AAP. Emphasis added by me.)

[…] President Biden on January 27, 2021 signed Executive Order 14008, “Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad,” and directed “each federal agency to develop a plan to increase the resilience of its facilities and operations to the impacts of climate change.” The FAA is now working to implement its Climate Action Plan in collaboration with other federal partners, so it can better coordinate with airports to ensure resilience.



Deepti Kannapan

Painter, occasional cartoonist, aerospace engineer. Writes about sustainable technology, creativity, and journaling.